Oculus literally killed my pc !!

18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
Bought a new Oculus Rift tonight with my son and as you can imagine we were both very excited, plugged in the 3 usb3.0's into the back and the hdmi, turned on my comp and the computer BSOD SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED...

Worst part, is even after unplugging the Rift equip it still didn't want to start. Even in safe mode.. Nor does it want to even repair the computer. Even tried a sfc /scannow and it won't do that either... There's apparently no previous system restores to restore from.

I can see my data thru the command prompt so i know my drives are not toast. My GPU must be working otherwise i wouldn't see the BSOD, but removing my GTX980 and plugging my g-sync monitor into the mobo's display port doesn't even fire up the display.

I'm a tech too, and lost for ideas. I could chose reset everything but man, that's a job and a half ! re-installing and reconfiguring everything, even if that works.

I'm so gutted at the moment, feel like boxing the rift back up and going to get my money back. But before i even do that i need to get my machine back up and running. freakin gutted !!!!

Hoping plugging in the hdmi hasn't done something horrible to my gtx980 as thats an expensive repair / replacement!

I guess i'll keep moving along with my troubleshooting. But if anyone has any suggestions throw em my way :(
thanks i've pulled my drives all except my windows installation 256ssd, and am just doing a reset over it... tried just about everything else, and it all failed.

bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd found my install on H: for whatever reason (why does it do that ?) and not on C: anyway it still wouldn't allow me to run... So after trying a couple of other shoot off the hip things like chkdsk, i just said the heck with this and am doing a reset... currently on 31% fingers cross it gets to 100% and i get a pc back
Well i'm back to having an O/S which is good news as all my hardware seems to be working.. Got a sheeeeeeet load of work to do to get myself back to where i need to be in terms of re-installing ummmm EVERYTHING !!!!! ugh

But i may just be tempted to put steam on now !!! and re-try the occulus setup... whats the worst that can happen? force me into another recovery ?
i do, i have all my personal stuff backed up using robocopy (best tool out there tbh) i got the Rift working, just using the demo and OMG !!!! is all i can say... completely blown away. i think where i went wrong is plugging everything in before running the software. Well it all worked once i installed and followed the step by step instructions... should it of done what it did, without the software installed HELL NO ! but it did... but after that demo, it aint going back ! ok i'm off to bed.. cheers for the advice !
It did happen to me again, and i found out why ! . its a problem with the Rift and Asmedia USB 3.1 (cyan) ports... Others having the same issue, on the Z170 chipset, tho i'm on the Z97 chipset.. They all seem to have the same, in that the OS doesn't allow for an easy recovery. As in NONE ! You have to system reset !

So the way i got around the problem, was to disable the Asmedia USB 3.1 ports in the BIOS, and as i was now short of USB ports at the back, i bought an Inatek USB 3.0 card with an addition 5 ports... Everything is now working beautifully.

Basically never plug anything into those 3.1 cyan ports, if you have a Rift and a recent Asus mobo..
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