Oculus Quest 2 Can't connect to Internet



6 Mar 2008

I've got a problem with my Quest 2 headset. Just cannot connect to the Internet on my EE Router. It was working fine and then suddenly stopped working. It says Connected to device. Cannot provide Internet.

Has anyone else had this ?

I have reset the headset to factory settings
hard reset the router
turned off 5ghz
changed wpa 3 to 2
installed meta app on phone and tried to connect via wifi through that which doesn't work

What does work is connecting through my phone's mobile hotspot (which itself is connected to my EE router) which is baffling - why would it work through my phone which is connected to my router but not directly through the router?

I cannot understand it at all, there's simply nothing left I can think of to try.
That does sound bizarre!!

Was there a firmware upgrade to your router lately? Could be something clashing with the Headset. Or maybe it was a Meta update.

Can you check if there is a firmware update for your router? If not, could you test it your Headset on another router(not hotspot)

Some things to try if you can login to the router itself.

Check the firewall settings, see if there is anything odd there. Also check the Mac address Filtering, see if anything is in there.

Another thing to try is a much more secure password. My brother's Quest 2 stopped connecting to the internet one day, and it was because the password wasn't strong enough.

If all those things fail, try another router.
Try creating a wifi hotspot on your phone and connecting to that.

Edit: Saw you did that! Doh.
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