Oculus Quest 90Hz mod

Wouldn't rely on any mods lasting in the long run as they have already put a killswitch for dev mode in the latest update so can kill any modding on the Quest when they feel like.
Doubt they will kill it off. One of the oculus guys !sorry can't remember source) said in an interview the quest screens were capable of higher res and that they likely would not officially support it due to all the hoops they would need to jump through for certification.... But implied they would have no issue with people doing it themselves.

So long as it does not circumvent anti piracy or break any official titles, or otherwise make people Ill or a danger to people I don't see why they woildactively block it. (Tho like revive they may not spend time making sure it works either)
Not 100% sure if the signal via the link cable goes through the android OS, or just goes straight to screens.
If it goes through the OS then the mod will work, if the signal goes straight to the screens then the Hz will
be dictated to by the signal from the oculus software on the PC.
Oculus are pretty bad for stopping people modding :/

They stopped people using the Rift without having to run the ****** store in the background pretty quickly.

Which is why my next headset won't be an Oculus.
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