Hi guys, I'm a bit new to VR but my sister suffers from two conditions Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) which means she's in a wheelchair and only has use of one arm. One of her doctors mentioned a study that helped with FND rehab where the patience used VR to help overcome symptoms to surprising effect. However we weren't sure how she'd get on in a wheelchair with only the use of her right hand? she can strap the left controller to her split in the left arm but won't be able to press the buttons. Is there any content that allows for only the right controller buttons to be used?
The Oculus Quest looks perfect for her as shes currently in a rehab center and obviously doesn't have access to a beefy desktop and TBH she isn't a gamer so she doesn't care about top teir graphics, but if there is a better alternative I'm all ears
Thanks guys!
The Oculus Quest looks perfect for her as shes currently in a rehab center and obviously doesn't have access to a beefy desktop and TBH she isn't a gamer so she doesn't care about top teir graphics, but if there is a better alternative I'm all ears
Thanks guys!