Oculus Rift with glasses??

22 Sep 2008
I'm looking at getting an Oculus Rift for racing games and I haven't been to a shop to try one out yet, but does anyone use glasses with their Rift?

Is it uncomfortable?

Do the glasses fit in fairly easily?
Thanks for all the responses. Seems as though I might just have to see what its like when it gets here and consider some lenses from VR lens or widmvr. £65 isn't a lot in the grand scheme of PC gaming!
I use glasses for distance and wear them all the time. I also have contact lenses, which I wear when I'm going out or exercise/cycling. I can't wear contact lenses when looking at screens and tvs, its just too uncomfortable for me, so I don't think they'd be suited for the Rift, at least not for long periods of time, plus each time I want to play with the Rift I'd have put my lenses in (dailies) and I'd be wasting a pair each time.
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