OCZ 2gb EB Platinum - Duff again?

29 Mar 2005
I've just received my OCZ 2gb EB Platinum DDR500 Ram back from RMA, ran memtest and again there are hundreds of errors.

Does anyone know of any reason why I should get 2 duff sets of premium RAM or if there are compatibilty issues with memtest 3.2? Are there any other programs that can verify the results?

I thought OCZ was the best RAM money can buy?

Yep, bog standard 3-3-2-8 running @ 250mhz x 2 = DDR500 (250 HTT) @ 2.6v

Runs 3dmark fine, prime 95 is solid.

Had the dead same problem on the first set.

Shall I get my money back or try once more?
Your're dead right - the new ones are 3-4-3-8 instead of 3-3-2-8.

Just completed a full run of memtest 3.2 and there was 6766 errors - surely that means they're duff?

How dyu know they are labelled wrong and not just the wrong items?
First off - checked RAM timings using Everest Home Edition and the RAM is 3-3-2-8 @ 250mhz despite the stickers saying 3-4-3-8.

Secondly, just ran memtest 1.65 as suggested and got 64 errors, thats about 6700 less than I got with memtest 3.2.

I believe that the stickers are wrong but I'm not sure whether to RMA it or not based on the errors, I think I'll give it a couple of days and see if I get the BSOD during gaming etc.

Decision made then.

I only intend to run it completely at stock 3-3-2-8 250mhz at as little voltage as it is happy with and thats it. At 250 HTT my cpu is squeezed from 2.0 to 2.5ghz which is right on the limit. Basically I see no benefit in pushing it for that little 10-20mhz extra on the RAM.

It can go back AGAIN.

Cheers Guys.
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