OCZ 2GB memory - Is this working correct?



21 Apr 2006
OCZ 2GB memory - Is this working correct? = all going wrong

Hi guys i've installed some new OCZ Dual Channel Platinum Memory http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/OCZ_Platinum_Memory.html

OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC4000 Dual Channel Platinum Series EB-DDR CAS3 (OCZ5002048EBPE-K) (MY-058-OC)

On the post screen it says

DDR 333 TCL: 3 , 2T

Does anyone have any ideas if this is working to its full dual channels without overclocking ? i can add 2.9v to it but i didnt want to oc.

i have the DFI RDX200 CF-DR Motherboard
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Mp4 said:
Hi guys i've installed some new OCZ Dual Channel Platinum Memory http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/OCZ_Platinum_Memory.html

OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC4000 Dual Channel Platinum Series EB-DDR CAS3 (OCZ5002048EBPE-K) (MY-058-OC)

On the post screen it says

DDR 333 TCL: 3 , 2T

Does anyone have any ideas if this is working to its full dual channels without overclocking ? i can add 2.9v to it but i didnt want to oc.

i have the DFI RDX200 CF-DR Motherboard

I have the same memory - check here for stock timings, click on memory to expand.

I'm only running at 400mhz at the moment as i've made some changes that i need to ensure are stable first.

I can't speak for the DFi, bus the Asus comes up with a message that dual channel is enabled.
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How do i find out the stock timings etc and that it is in dual channel mode?

also off topic here (sorry) is it possable to enable the 2nd core within the AMD 64 4800+ as i only found out from a friend that you cant have 2x running only 1 core is there a fix for windoes xp home edition? or Xp pro all the way?
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Mp4 said:
On the post screen it says

DDR 333 TCL: 3 , 2T

Looks like it's running in single channel mode. It should say something like "Dual channel, 128 Bit" when it's running properly.

Windows XP Home is fine for the X2 cpu's, you can only use one physical CPU socket but any number of on board cores. With XP Pro you would be able to run 2 x X2's for a total of 4 cores.

Open up your task manager and go to the performance tab, should have two cpu history usage things.
Download this application here:


When you run that it will give you lots of information about your CPU and memory, if you printscreen with the memory tab open, paste it into paint and save the image as a JPEG, you can upload it with imageshack:


And put the picture up on the forums.

We'll need to see the memory page it should look abit like:

Mp4 said:
i've captured the window you asked :)


Its running horribly slow, its running at 160Mhz, stock for A64 is 200mhz and your RAM will overclock to 250Mhz (PC4000)

Also it should be running 1T instead of 2T.
hi all, i've managed to find out what was wrong, it was due down to user error as this is my 1st decent set of ram, i didnt know that on the dfi motherboard i had to put either ram in both yellow or orange slots = dual channel. i was told by a friend to change them over so i did. Then Windows xp decided it didnt like it and froze on the windows logo screen i've forced myself to do another format wich i've done but first off after the format i was hanging on instalizing installation after 17mins i turned it off , did a quick format wich took seconds it went to the windows is loading screen it wouldnt move budge 39mins remaining etc. I've reset the cmos via the jumper and changed the ram back to single channel as i know it works once ive installed windows im going to flash the bios and change to dual again. Im re formatting again as i type this on the laptop. I have no idea whats gone wrong. all i did was change the memory to a diffrent slot :(:(

anyone have any ideas?
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After installing windows i've updated my bios , and switched my memory from single to dual and it holts the system and it does no mercy for anything. I cant tell if the memory is faulty or the motherboard has a fault. When i have it in dual channel the bios finds it fine , its just the last few seconds of windows loading ...nothing.

anyone have any thoughts?
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When u say holts the system u mean it wont boot up to windows after updating the bios i presume?. I ask this because i have the similar memory on an abit AV8 mobo(mine is pc3200) with an fx-55 cpu and when u updated your bios check in your bios memory settings to see if the cas latency has been automatically set to 2.0.

The reason why, well in my case with this memory is, is that my mobo wont boot to windows if i have the cas latency set to 2.0..so i have to set the ocz cas latency to 2.5 and it boots up fine.

I usually have this problem when i flash and update my bios because then when flashed and updated it reverts all the memory timings in the bios to auto/default and this means it sets the cas latency to 2.0 in my bios and sometimes even i have to put some old corsair memory back in that i still have before i upgraded to this ocz ram, to even get back into the bios memory page to set the cas latency back to 2.5, to be able to put my ocz 2gb memory back in to use it with no problems.

Hope that made sense and helps a little maybe.

There is of course though a sticky at the top of this forum specifically about 2gb memory etc which i have found very helpfull in the past and its maybe worth a read through aswell for more info to help ya.
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ill type what happen in more detail.

As soon as i changed to dual channel memory (without flashing the bios) i loaded the system up after i changed it, the post detected the memory etc then it got to the windows loading screen with the blue bars going across etc. it stopped and i waited for 9mins for it to do something and nothing happen so i restarted. Then the 2nd time i acctaully got into windows then my keyboard and mouse died and nothing in windows was loading (as in the background programs, msn etc) so i turned it off again. So i thought right id give it another format just incase windows corrupted somewhere along the line etc. Tryed to format (full format) it got passed the format and installing windows files then at the point where it instalizes the files on to the hard disk it crashed again i waited for 15mins it ushally is instant at this point. So i reset again then did a quick format and it flew through that and all worked changed to the hdd to it picked up the windows install. Then it hung on 39mins remaning i waited for about 30mins. Nothing so i turned off the system changed the jumpers for the cmos incase it was corrupted or something. tryed to load windows again (at the install point) and it still wouldnt move from 39mins. So as i knew the system worked on single channel mode i switched back again and installed windows perfect. flashed the bios updated to service pack 2, tryed to go to dual chan mode again and its still not taking it. I've no idea . i shall take a look in the bios and update you further. Thanks

Changed the CAS to 2.5 like you said it the DMI pool data notice came up and hung but a restart nudged it and seems to be loading fine now :) what preformance will i loose out of changing the CAS? i'm thinking maybe that the bios just hates Auto and if i should put it on a higher CAS rate? Thanks Again

another update (sunday 2nd July)
I was trying out F.E.A.R and was happy playing a high pitched sound came and my monitor went blank (black) standby mode i have an connect3d ati crossfire card atm its blowing quite hot air out the back of its exaust fan.

Just booted up the computer (monday 3rd july 3:38pm) and loaded windows pressed the firefox link and it crashed. so i had to restart :/

And F.E.A.R still crashes when i play for about 20mins each time it freezes then the high pitched sound comes and i have to reset i cant bring up task manager to close it down or anything it seems that windows just crashes, it also happends with CoD2 so something isnt right somewhere.
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Well m8 for a start its good to hear that you got some success initially out of changing your cas latency to 2.5 and there's another post ive read before on these forums that says the performance decrease isnt much at all between cas 2.0 and 2.5 as opposed to dropping from a command rate of 1T down to 2T.

Now the newer problems you have maybe other users on this forum with a lot more knowledge than me might be able to help you better but if you say you play f.e.a.r for about 20mins which i had for the p.c awhile ago, that game is a pretty system intensive game so for a start you can do the usual process of checking uve got the latest ati drivers etc installed blah blah. You probably want to check your power supply to see if thats working ok etc cause playing a game like f.e.a.r for awhile then it crashing etc as u say may point in this direction unless your power supply is has more than enough juice for your system.

Again there's others on this forum who would be able to help you more but ive found with problems like this its just a systematic "patient" process of elimination from checking drivers and all the usual system stuff etc before u start to worry about possible hardware faults/problems.

Hope you nail the problem because pc's imo are wonderfull gaming machines.."when" then run perfect as u want them to!. :cool:
you could try running some stability tests with it in single channel mode, try memtest86+ and prime95. Leave each for a good few hours, it may be that one of your memory sticks is a bit dodgy. If this is fine then it could just be an incompatibility thing which means you might need to try some other bios's out.

My Asrock Dual wont boot up with my OCZ ram with anything but an old bois, fine with my mates ram in it...

So that's another thing as well, ask your mate to bring their ram around and try it out. Should help to isolate if it's a ram/compatibility thing goind on.
Ashman UK said:
Now the newer problems you have maybe other users on this forum with a lot more knowledge than me might be able to help you better but if you say you play f.e.a.r for about 20mins which i had for the p.c awhile ago, that game is a pretty system intensive game so for a start you can do the usual process of checking uve got the latest ati drivers etc installed blah blah. You probably want to check your power supply to see if thats working ok etc cause playing a game like f.e.a.r for awhile then it crashing etc as u say may point in this direction unless your power supply is has more than enough juice for your system.

Again there's others on this forum who would be able to help you more but ive found with problems like this its just a systematic "patient" process of elimination from checking drivers and all the usual system stuff etc before u start to worry about possible hardware faults/problems.

Hope you nail the problem because pc's imo are wonderfull gaming machines.."when" then run perfect as u want them to!. :cool:

I've not really noticed any diffrence between single and dual at the moment, im glad that i dont get much of a preformance drop with the CAS rate as for my power supply i have a silverstone 750w Zeus so im sure that can cut more than enough juice to the system. I shall carry out more investigation uninstall drivers and reinstall etc. i'm going to try my ram on my friends computer he also has the ocz plat memory so i shall see what happends.

Thanks for your help so far
Okey dokey m8. Let us know how you get on with it. Its always usefull to know for oneself for future reference if i or others run into a similar problem etc.

750w power supply is one damn powerfull power supply ill say, so that deffo shouldnt be the problem!!.

Reading it all over again, ill say it does possibly point in the direction of either faulty ram/incompatible ram or even ram settings in the bios, only maybe though..
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