OCZ Gold 2GB kit of 3200 or 4000

29 Jan 2006
Which of the 2 OCZ Gold kits would be better for me. I've got a AMD 3700 San Diego chip than I currently have lighly overclocked with a FSB of 220. I may for benchmarking etc go up to FSB of 250+. I wondered what the thoughts were at which would be the better option for a 2 GB set of Ram of these 2. The 3200 has tighter latency which the Athlon chips thrive on although it would likely have to go on a 333 divider when clocked to the higher levels. The 4000 has looser latency but needs no divider. I am currently running a 1GB pairing of 512 Corsair C2PT ram at 2.5,3,3,6 on 1t. Am I likely to see much improvement on either of these set ups? My GPU is the X1900XT and motherboard the Asus premium. Playing games like Oblivion at mo.


G Skill 3200 ZX

Having read the back log of threads it seems with the AMD64 architecture the use of a divider is not as detrimental as loose latency ram esp. if dropping from Cas2 to Cas3.

Having then considered this then at the moment the G Skill ZX 3200 2GB kit with its low latencies would be a better bet than both the above OCZ gold's and of the OCZ Golds the 3200 would be the better bet.


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