OCZ Memory cooler

21 Sep 2008
I bought one of these coolers and when i plug it in the blue LED's come on but the fans dont turn, now im wondering whether heat makes the fans turn on. Any suggestions ?? :confused:
No, nothing blocking them. Iv spun them round manually to check them. I have tried it in a few fan slots.
I accidently bought 2 as the picture suggested that it covered on set of 2 slots, but that doesnt matter, though both dont spin when plugged in.
yeah, i peeled the label back and i cant see that there would be a thermometer anywhere to turn it on at a certain temperature..... i was thinking if i cant get it working il buy 2 small fans and using the metal housing? You would have thought 1 in 2 of these devices would work.
Not open sundays. sorry :)
I might just leave it. they wudnt fit in above my 4870 anyway's still seems to be a frequent problem dont ocz check products?
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