OCZ or Mushkin

7 Mar 2005
Eating PI
MY-000-MK Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB) CAS3 (991483) (MY-000-MK)
£139.95 £139.95
MY-057-OC OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC3200 Dual Channel Platinum Series EL-DDR CAS2 (OCZ4002048ELDCPE-K) (MY-057-OC)
£144.95 £144.95

Looking at these 2. I am planning on clocking quite heavily on a 4400 X2 system with DFI Mobo. The timings are much better with the OCZ but the mushkin is pc4000 instead of 3200. Will the 3200 on the OCZ restrict my clocking ability?
One thing I need to clear up though, If I buy the OCZ (PC3200 @ 2-3-2-5) instead of the mushy (PC4000 @ 3-4-3-8) which is better for clocking. An AMD system naturally runs at 400mhz std, so would that mean that the mushy ram would have about the same timings as the OCZ at 400mhz istead of 533mhz.

I may be assuming too much but I guessed that for clocking the PC400 would be better?

Also, how do the AMD chips manage a 2000mhz fsb, is there a 5x multiplier involved with the HT or something?
Gibbo said:
Hi there

Are you all getting your OCZ from OcUK now? Is our pricing still amongst the best?

Yea, i did a check in pricerunner and yours is cheaper than most, some sites selling the ram for the same but then charging a lot for delivery!

Is anyone able to answer my question a few posts up about pc3200 vs pc4000?
Agr3sive said:
It depends on what you want from your ram, I would personally take the Ocz and run a divider if needs be and keep the tight timings, Ram with loose timings (4's or worse) is a no go for me, others will disagree though and prefer ram that can do 1/1

I had a set of the Ocz and it did 245 @ 2.5/2/3/5 which was perfect for my setup, the mushkins on the other hand will top out at a higher fsb (normally around 280) but at around *3/4/4/8* <---- Booo. Hisss :D

As for the 2000HT, there is indeed a 5x multi, if you keep upping the fsb then you will have to drop the multi to 4x or lower to keep within the 2000 spec.

Cheers for that, but which one will allow me to get the best speed from an opty or x2 processor, I presume the PC4000, will allow better speed but not as gooder timings?

I presume the multi's are locked on the x2's and the opty's, so obviously the clocking ability comes down to the ram. I am currently thinking this will be the case:

Opty 170 2ghz
mush pc4000 = 3-4-3-8 - 200mhz (std multi x10 for cpu (locked)) clock to 280mhz (max)= opty @ 2.8ghz :D
OCZ pc3200 = 2-3-2-5 - 200mhz (std multi x10 for cpu (locked)) clock to 245mhz (max)= opty @ 2.45ghz :(
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