OCZ RMA how long does it usually take?



3 Dec 2011
OCZ RMA negligible| Spec me a PSU

I've send my PC Power & Cooling Silencer MK III 600W on monday, by the tracking number it arrived 23rd at 11:34. On OCZ website there's nothing to confirm this, also does it matter. If on the online ticket theres my name and on the package and receipt, is a different name. But this same surname and address?

What was your experience with OCZ RMA?
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Well in my ticket I included a recording, of the noise that the PSU is making. The guy from support told me it's probably the fan, on my RMA status it says that I'll get a replacement.
10-14 days isn't bad, I just hope the PSU will arrive before 17th.
If I was a wizard 2 years+ back and predicted they'll go bankrupt, then I would probably buy a different make PSU. Anyway I've only found out that P&C are owned by OCZ after 2 months from purchase.

Received Date: Not Received Yet
Replaced Date: Not Replaced Yet
It's been 5 days so far, when the PSU arrived to the address they gave... I wouldn't mind waiting 20 days, if they've send me 700w or 800w :D
I did write them an email at around 12 o'clock, but no answer so far (only just checked my mail)...
Negligible chances of getting my PSU back, apparently my PSU was send to a different address. Now they're trying to sort it out, ehh I'm fed up with waiting.

I'm looking for a PSU, I don't really want to spend more than 75 quid...


I've forgoten to mention, that apparently its not on the system any more ...
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