Odd Electrical Problem

9 Jul 2008
Having an odd problem with my Battery being drained whilst ridding.

I am riding a long on my bike when the light starts flickering and then turns off followed by the whole bikes electric and it comes to a stop.

The odd thing I noticed is when I sometimes accelorate my horn goes off, I even disconnected the Horn and it still did this.

I have changed the battery but the problem still happens.

Could this be cause by a bare wire maybe touching the frame? As the horn goes of on random occasions?

After my bike is turned off for a while, I can restart it and ride it again. The time I can ride it depends on how long it's been turned off for.

I Only have this problem sometimes.
could be the rectifier thats faulty or a relay,and yes it could be an earth(bare wire touching the frame ect) somewhere
Definitely sounds as if you have a bare positive wire touching the frame occasionally (and grounding through the horn).

You really want to get this fixed before riding it, as this can start a fire in the loom and cause no end of damage.

Have you taken any part of the bike apart recently? Perhaps crushed a wire between the frame and a fixing?
No Not recently, but I had this problem before my piston seized up.

Only the top end had come off when that happend.

I will take most of the bike appart soon and check the wires I guess
hang on, you physically disconnected the wires from your horn but it still worked? That's perpetual motion right there, you will be a rich man!
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