Odd power issue...

27 Feb 2009
Here's an odd one.

Sometimes my PC will take ~5-8 seconds to power on (no LEDs, or signal output etc) from the second I press the power button. It's almost like the PSU is sucking in electricity until it has enough in order to power on.

Its a 480watt Antec TruPower2 PSU.
Once the PC is on, it will quite happily go for as long as I want it to.
Nothing is overclocked. No cables are loose.

Any other ides what could be causing it?
Yeah it is turned off at the plug everytime.

Hasnt always done this wierd powering up thing though. Used to poer up instantly.
I dont think it has an LED, but will check when I can.
Im getting a replacement MoBo soon anyway, so will check if the same thing happens then.
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