I purchased a Prime TX-750 and noticed the GPU fan randomly ramps up to 100% during gameplay. It becomes extremely loud under certain occasions. I swapped it for an Asus Thor 850W, and the GPU remains whsiper quiet during gameplay. Tested it with the same game and same scene (Borderlands Pre-Sequel).
Could the TX-750 be faulty? It's not coil whine. I measure the RPM using MSI Afterburner and it always ramps up to 1800rpm+ time from time with the Prime, but doesn't appear to go past 1200 rpm with the Asus.
Could the TX-750 be faulty? It's not coil whine. I measure the RPM using MSI Afterburner and it always ramps up to 1800rpm+ time from time with the Prime, but doesn't appear to go past 1200 rpm with the Asus.