Odd question: Anyone have a linkto the most played MMORPGs

12 May 2005

I am doing a little research project, and am trying ti find out what the most played online RPG's are.

I am guessing that WoW, Eve, and Guildwars are all pretty high (I read on IGN that Guildwars has over 2 million players).

Does anyone have a link to a chart that shows the amount of players of various games (especially in Japan, china, and korea)?

Thanks if anyone has any idea :p
Dark_Angel said:
Then, if you dont think its a MMORPG, what type of game do you class it as?

Its not really a mmorpg, but saying that it doesn't really come under anything else :)
Dark_Angel said:
Then, if you dont think its a MMORPG, what type of game do you class it as?

Guild Wars is classed as a competitive online role playing game, (CORPG) :D
They could do with cleaning up those charts a bit better, especially the 0-120,000 subscribers one.

Surprised that DDO only has 90,000-ish subscribers as well.
Thats a really interesting site imo. Some suprising stats on there, FFXI taking up a bigger portion of the market share than i would have thought :D
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