Odd question - How to stop my iPod being recognised by iTunes

11 Oct 2004
I've got an old iPod that I no longer use for music.

I'd like to use it as a standard portable HDD. The problem is that every time I plug it in, iTunes opens and attempts to add an iPod file system to it.

Is there anyway to stop this so that it just shows up like a regular HDD? I'm using Windows but I assume that any fix will be cross-platform.
At a guess, that process called "iPod Helper" or similar is responsible for launching iTunes when it detects an iPod's presence.

Is that running and in your startup?
Hold Ctrl & Shift whilst connecting the iPod.

IIRC this stops iTunes from picking it up. I appreciate a more permanenent solution would be better for you, but this should work. I don't have my iPod with me to test it with at the moment.
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