Odd vehicle insurance question

29 Jul 2013
So, bit of background...

I manage about 50 vehicles for the company I work for, and regularly manage the maintenance of these vehicles. Occasionally, I have to use a courtesy car from a garage to allow me to get back to the office but usually the garage (Ford) ask for a copy of our commercial motor insurance and that's fine, so goes onto our insurance and then would only be a £250 excess plus the Vat.

However, I'm needing to use a car on Thursday which is going to Nissan. They use their own insurance in these cases, when they give you a Note or a Micra. The insurance carries a £1350 excess. I believe I would be viable to take this hit if something happened, but obviously I'm not especially happy to put myself in this position.

What the normal protocol here? Do I just accept that I'll have to be extra careful or should my company step in somehow?

TIA :)
It's not a company car per se, but an engineer who uses the van for work purposes.

It will only be used to get me back to the office, a c. 20 minute journey.

The company I work for is quite hard with regards to drivers paying for the excess cost if it's their fault. Seems crazy expensive this £1350 to me.
The problem is is that the company is family run, and my best mate is the grandson of the owners so they'll almost certainly say oh no you won't pay for that (and not put it in writing) or will say not to bother with the courtesy and just get a lift.
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