ODST ruined by last missions

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Right, Playing through ODST on Heroic, loved it right up until the mission where you escort the engineer along the highway...

That mission and the one after where you fend off wave after wave in the front of that building is stupid. I turned off the console at the point outside of the building.

Just got sick and tired of the game, why did they have to ruin it like that?

It has really bugged me as the highway mission ruined the game for me 100%.

Appalling level design to be honest. Just laziness.

What was wrong with them? :confused:

Also, the highway is the very last level, so if you loved it up to that point you loved about 95% of the game...

Surely not, the mission after it is standing infront of that building trying to survive 5/6 waves (well, about that) and as I am playing on Heroic and not being the greatest gamer in the world, I die a few times, it's just repetition, no tense feeling or anything... I will finish it off tonight no doubt, it's just why did they not just cut it off before the highway? I would have been much happier with that.

Although, all this complaining will be mute as once I have completed the game, I will get a greater sense of achievement I guess lol

Surely not, the mission after it is standing infront of that building trying to survive 5/6 waves (well, about that) and as I am playing on Heroic and not being the greatest gamer in the world, I die a few times, it's just repetition, no tense feeling or anything... I will finish it off tonight no doubt, it's just why did they not just cut it off before the highway? I would have been much happier with that.

Although, all this complaining will be mute as once I have completed the game, I will get a greater sense of achievement I guess lol


That's where you're going wrong, stand inside the building with the Engineer and all the ammo and it will be much easier going for you. The Engineer will also provide you with a shield, which will be able to take a good few hits before you start taking damage.

Or if you want to make it really easy, just grab a rocket launcher from the back corner of the building and give it to one of the AI, preferably Buck since he seems to go outside more and he will take care of everything, since he has infinite ammo and cannot die.
That's where you're going wrong, stand inside the building with the Engineer and all the ammo and it will be much easier going for you. The Engineer will also provide you with a shield, which will be able to take a good few hits before you start taking damage.

Or if you want to make it really easy, just grab a rocket launcher from the back corner of the building and give it to one of the AI, preferably Buck since he seems to go outside more and he will take care of everything, since he has infinite ammo and cannot die.

Yes that section seemed pretty easy, even on Legendary. The only enemies that really press you are the two hunters. Most of the others hang out on the steps on either side and the hammer brute can be mopped up from the galleries with a sniper rifle.
While I did enjoy it and I am loving Firefight at the moment.

It does strike me as though ODST is largely built from the ground up around Firefight, with so many of the single player levels being what are used as Firefight levels, and are essentially just that when you are fighting anyway.

I've also got to admit that although this is sort of a prequel-sequel I was a bit dissapointed in the ending.

Another thing that bugs me is the Rookie not speaking. I understand there logic behind the Chief, but at least he does speak a little bit. I thought it just got stupid with the Rookie. For example when he first wakes up surely he should be on his radio trying to contact his other ODSTs... oh wait he doesn't talk, that's why he was chosen to be in an elite unit. Then later on in the game when you meet Dare and she just talks at you, because you won't talk back to her. I just end up finding that it really detracts from the immersion when they design characters like that. Same goes with Dead Space.
What ruined it for me was the lack of unsilenced SMG and not a single battle rifle in the game. Well that's getting a bit ahead of myself because of course it's not ruined but still brings a tear to my eye.

Still each halo game has the same last missions as any other. "2nd to last mission is tight corridors, lots of cqb and a few challenging encounters spread throughout (keyes, covenant city level being ifested by flood, covenant city level after being infested by flood, and the hive missions). Then the final missions have a small on foot section then the long vehicle haul at the end, of course halo1 pulled this off the best and people complained at it's lack therof in halo2 so now bungie try to put an exciting vehicle section in at the end, with a defence portion at the end of ODST is a horrible break of pace i agree but by no means ruined.

Anyway the easiest way to beat that is give Mal (Buck) a fueld rod gun which you get from the grunts early one, he will then kill everything with no hassle, including ledgendary hunters.
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