Off Camera Flash cheapo setup

21 Oct 2002
I wanted a couple of flashes and some wireless triggers...

Funded with the sale of my old mobile phone, for A little over £110 i got this little bunch


yongnuo 465 TTL flash
Yongnuo 460-II manual flash
Yongnuo RF602 wireless trigger
2 X Yongnuo RF602 recievers + cords.
2 diffusers

I am really looking forward to testing this lot out. Seems to work flawlessly up to 1/200, can get away with 1/250 with the tiniest curtain that needs cropping out. The 460is more powerful than the 465, but i bought the 465 for when i wanted a TTL on the camera.

The 465 TTL seems to work very well indeed, with test shots showing good exposure. No HSS, thats the downside.

Quality seems good enough for me. If I were a pro then i would obvisouly be concerned about reliability, but i am just a hobbiest so if it goes wrong i wont ruin someones day.

All that for less than a single canon 270ex... surely cant be bad!
I will post some pics as soon as I get some. I contacted a recommended ebayer and asked for a discount. My email is in the trust if you want the link. Mods, please delete is considered a competitor.
You can either do it with the slave mode on the 460II, this requires a reasonable line of sight (it has to pick up the flash from the on camera).

Alternatively you can use the triggers, either both off camera, receiver on each, trigger in hotshoe, manual flash control

or pc sync cord > transmitter, flash on camera, other flash on receiver.... i think. I dont have a sync cord, so this is untested.

The nissin has zoom, the yongnuo with zoom is the yn468 i think.
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i am not sure about the zoom, will have a play and report back.

TTL only works with flash on the camera, so if you were to buy two flashed, buy one for on camera, then buy the super cheap yn460II, or the 560II which is out soon (zoom enabled i think) for the manual.

TTL can be enabled off camera if you spend a fortune on wireless TTL triggers (I think pocket wizards do one).
i have to say, messing around indoors hasnt produced a single bad exposure with ttl.

I was messing with the flashes off camera, and it take a shots or two to dial in the right Manual flash and manual cam settings, but once your there you can take some lovely shots. Flash camera right on tripod up high, flash held int he left hand away from camera, dialed down and you get a lovely soft light from right to left.
Reading around suggests the 560 is out soon. It will be mire expensive though, and the 460II is powerful enough I think. It will wit with the canon flash, but no ttl or hss. Radio triggers ate more reliable than optical slave.
very much still learning, but heres an example from the cheapo setup.

strong flash (diffused) camera left, fill flash just to the right of the cam to prevent shadows, sun provideing a bit of top light.
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