Off sick, calls from manager

13 Jun 2011
Hi all.

first time ive been in this situation as ive been self employed up untill April last year.

We are very under staffed, were running A 4/5 man contract on 3 and a part timer. One of my colleagues is on 2 weeks leave and as of Tuesday morning i have been off sick.

yesterday afternoon i recieved a phone call from my manager 1. To complain that i have to call him by 9am to let him know that im not coming in (apparently texting at 10pm the night before To explain that im really not well isnt acceptable) and 2. To essentially make me feel guilty for being off sick, saying things such as “you know i was relying on you being in Thursday” and “the other guys are really busy and cant do what was planned for you”

Being self employed before if i was sick the firm didn't care as i just didn't get paid and my work just pushed back until i returned.

have any if you been made to feel the same way? I assume its not right to try and make you feel like your letting everyone down because your sick.
Today will be my second day off sick since Joining April last year so im not exactly a sick note.

Will call him this morning to say that i wont be in. And just ignore anything else he says in relation to the guilt tripping. In my current state i wouldn't be able to do anything anyway
To put some closure on this. Ive called daily so far and also had calls from h+s after going thru official procedure as sickness is relating to work

so just gotta take it easy now and get better!
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