Off To Spain Sunday 07/09/14... 6 days of riding... planned route...

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Well, me and a mate are off to Spain as I'll be 40 in November so wanted a last blast... we're going from Portsmouth to Bilbao which unfortunately due to the time we have to take it, means we don't land in Bilbao until 7am Tuesday morning, however... making the most of it... I've got the following as starting points...

Some days may look long, but made comments… possibly need to sort day 4...

However guys, feel free to amend and possibly post a different route or alterations if you know of something I've missed... but basically wanted to spend three full days in Spain (France on Day 3)... yet somehow manage to get back to Blighty on the Sunday...

Day 1 (314 Miles) – Tuesday - (The Landing > Itesari Kalea)
Day 2 (303 Miles) – Wednesday – (Itesasi Kalea > Vilaller, Spain)
Day 3 (327 Miles) – Thursday – (Vilaller, Spain > Les Coussoules, Leucate, France)
Day 4 (435 Miles 150 miles motorway) – Friday – Coussoules, Leucate, France > Berne Switzerland)
Day 5 (367 Miles) – Saturday - (Berne > Luxemburg Via Black Forest)
Day 6 (259 Miles 4 hours motorway be there for dinnertime crossing) – Sunday - (Luxemburg to Calais)
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I hope there aren't too many hazards, because you certainly won't spot them after spending that many hours riding!
Tend to agree with the above - the mileage is fine, but looking at those routes, that's a lot of hours each day when you add in a few stops.

I tend to go on 6-7 hours per day of riding, with the occasional much longer ride to transit one area to another
Well last year did a Euro tour and was averaging 300 miles per day and we were fine. Good breaks etc... But yeah like I say it's not set in stone and will change this was a first stab at getting something. Woupdve been easier of we'd had the Monday to ride as well...
Depends on the roads though - I usually do 300-350 miles a day too, but on slightly faster roads. Those ones in northern Spain can be very slow! I guess it also depends how you're riding though - I tend to sit back and take it easy, but if you're going for a blast I guess it will be a lot faster average speed
Having recently done a very similar route to your last day I think you're going to be struggling to enjoy (stop, take in views, re-ride great bits of road, eat, wee etc) the other days. But it sounds like an amazing idea and trip - very best of luck!
Well it might be that we come up the west of France instead and sack the black forest off... tbh, it may be so, to make the days shorter. We're both up for 9am starts anyway, so 300 miles to us is a full days riding with nice breaks... but think I'm pushing it going to swiss/germany... Days' 1/2/3 are fine... but think we need to head back sensible after that... just got caught up in wanting to do everything, last year I did 13-14 days which allows a lot more time...
Well, we've wangled so we stay in Spain and come back on Monday Ferry from Santandar... so this now means... 3 more days for Spain!!!
The N-621 to Riaño then up the N-625 to Cangas is a cracking ride if you decide to head that way.
Ok guys: revised now that we're staying in Spain...

Day 1 (314 Miles) – Tuesday -
((The Landing > Itesari Kalea)

Day 2 (303 Miles) – Wednesday –
(Itesasi Kalea > Vilaller, Spain)

Day 3 (327 Miles) – Thursday –
(Vilaller, Spain > Colera, Spain)

Day 4 (302 Miles) – Friday -
(Colera > Prades)

Day 5 (346 Miles) – Saturday –
(Prades > Madrid)

Day 6 (334 Miles ) – Sunday -
( Madrid > Burgos)

Day 7 (131 Miles) – Monday -
(Burgos > Santandar)

Day 8 Depression And Land In Blighty!

DAY 5 IS THE WORST DAY, BUT NEED TO MAKE HEADWAY BACK NORTH... you can't have perfect every day :-( Will see how it goes tbh... after frist couple of days we'll know whether it's too many miles or not... will see... and amend... however it's a kinda plan and something to work off at least!
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Ah my holiday was a fair bit different to this. I would blast to an area on the motorway then spend 3-4 days exploring it mainly on back roads and a lot of the cycle routes. So a 400 mile motorway day, a kinda rest day at the beach or recovering from a night out :p then explore and move on.

In Spain I was just East of Oviado and then in to the Parque Nacional de Los Picos de Europa. There's some amazing stuff in there but might be out of your way.

Links up a very technical climb on poor roads in to fast roads that skirts 2 reservoirs then on to another pass beside mountains to a single track drop in and out of a gorge and finally one of the best descents I've every done on a motorbike. The drop in to Potes is truly epic and the rest of the road is still really nice.
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