*** Offical Monopoly City Streets Thread ***

27 Dec 2005
Monopoly City Streets: http://www.monopolycitystreets.com/game.html#en
MCS Blog: http://blog.monopolycitystreets.com/
MCS Twitter: http://twitter.com/MonopolyCitySts

Game FAQ: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dfzghp76_3f3s5b6gr
Game Rules: http://www.images-hosted.com/images/26960844808225731138.jpg

Welcome to the official topic for OcUK's MCS adventures. I'll be adding more information once the topic gets going as well as player's usernames, enemies to target and where we're trying to populate etc.

In the meantime, have fun ;)

Game Basics
So, what's Monopoly City Streets I hear you ask? Essentially it's Monopoly using Google Maps, so you can buy and sell pretty much any street in the world. Rent is earned every 24 hours (1am) based on the rental value of your streets (length plus buildings). Other factors such as how populated your area is or how many roads you have close also increase this.

Every account starts with $3million. Full rules and FAQ links are above.


Advanced Strategies
- Rent is earned based on the street's value (street plus buildings). Buildings earn more rent the longer the road, so it's beneficial to have as many long, expensive roads as possible. Streets are capped at a cost/value of $1mil, so this is what you want to buy.
- Try and spend your money (buy roads and build properties) as close to 1am GMT as possible. This will make you less of a sabotage target during the day, and if you ARE sabotaged allow you to place buildings accordingly.
- More to follow.


Main Usernames
Ingame name (Forum name if different)
Toranaga (molinari)
fishychris (Droolinggimp)
Ankle Road UK (nands)
SatNavThirtySvn (teh_captain)
HankMarvin (Hank_Marvin)
Semper FI 09 (Semper FI)
Zico UK (Zico)


OcUK Territory - Nassau
The Island of Nassau, The Bahamas (Attempting)
Street Holders: Russinating, FinalD, smcgahan, OcUKChris, Firestar, Psypher,


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Iviv - Iviv. Busy buying up my local town, developments can come once I have all the roads!

Also, if anyone has any spare demolition cards, I could use a hand! Equally, if you get a sabotage but don't know who to play it on, I've got a few near me who wouldn't mind it!
Same username as forum username :)

Attempting at the moment to occupy some less common Russian cities and also East Side of Aberdeen
If i get a hazzard or bulldoze card i take it i can plant it on any road i like, do i need to click the persons username first then a street card they own?

I'm out of money till tomorrow :(
If i get a hazzard or bulldoze card i take it i can plant it on any road i like, do i need to click the persons username first then a street card they own?

I'm out of money till tomorrow :(

Yup, any road. If you want to revenge an OcUK'er add a name to your friends list and then you click on that to view all their properties and pick the highest earner :D
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