Office 365 Shared Contacts

17 Jan 2005
What's the best way to create a shared contacts and calendar list in Office 365 that can be accessed by Outlook 2013 clients, OWA and Iphone/Android? I've tried various ways using Shared Mailboxes and Public Folders etc but they don't work across all devices. Am I being retarded here?
You might be able to do something with SharePoint and an appropriate app for the mobile devices, but honestly drowning yourself is more fun.
Haha, yeh that doesn't sound fun. Calendars I've got working fine with the OWA app and a shared mailbox. This works on Outlook, OWA and mobile now. Unfortunately the OWA app doesn't seem to work with a shared mailboxes contacts.
I see this quite a lot and what it ends up being 90% of the time is someone trying to get Exchange to perform roles that it wasn't really designed to do. If you have a pool of contacts for clients/suppliers and the calendar is for meeting them then you will be much better served by a CRM application.
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