Office for Linux

13 May 2012
Hey everybody!
I have to work a lot with office because of my job, I use openoffice at the moment but I don't like it. I think most of the things are too complicated. Plus when I save the document as .doc or .docx and I open it on a pc the format is different. Is there another open source office?
Not really. Only options are probably to use office itself in WINE/crossover/playonlinux or run it inside a windows vm.
If you want perfect page reproduction you are stuck with using Microsoft Office. I know office 2007 runs very well using crossover and so that is the best way. No other software will be able to give you perfect page reproduction - hell Microsoft struggles to get perfect page reproduction between versions of office - something as simple as changing the printer driver can change page layouts.
I hate libreoffice so much i have a virtualbox Windows XP VM just for outlook/word/excel :)
Having tried both openoffice/libreoffice over the last few years I can tell you that sharing documents with people running Microsoft Office is a real pain. Formatting will go crazy occasionally, and embedded graphics can be ruined entirely.

Much as I hate to say it, I'd recommend running Windows&Office in a VM and sharing your documents folder between the two. I've had problems with stability and performance in Virtualbox, but I can thoroughly recommend VMWare Player.
Depends what extention you're using.

If you're able to use .odf, or another open standard, everything should work grand. If you're stuck using any of the Microsoft "standards", you might struggle with anything besides office itself.
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