Office Romances..!!

12 May 2005
Jeez, at work and just went to get a drink and in the canteen were a couple that work in accounts I think. She was groping, kissing and fondling him like no tomorrow. Only thing they didn’t do was take their clothes off….

I’m pleased they have something special going, but can’t it wait until you get home? I felt pretty uncomfortable, not knowing where to look really, and they knew I was there… Peck on the check is one thing, full on tongue action at work is something else. Put me right off getting a kit kat from the vending machine.

Not the first time I’ve heard this being reported. Office romances, they never last…
Nah, but I should have.. I think he's married..!! :eek: Blackmail - Give me pay increase - or your wife gets the dirt..!!

Or I think he lives with somone - I'll have to do some undercover investigation work..!!
Jest3r said:

office romanaces are fine, just remember never play with people who have the ability to give out p45's (managers and HR) ;)

Good advice - thankfully not me playing around. My gf isn't nice when she finds me with other women... Can't think why - not that it has happened.. Honest gov.!
Did anyone see that program, Sex On The Job a while back, all about people having sex at work, one wa two police officers, in an unlocked room... :eek:

But, damn she was hot !
I used to work for a pension company based in Telford, i was only a temp their but the gossip about this sort of thing was constant.

The best one was that a older guy (50ish) in the top floor was having an affair with a 20 something girl from my floor. Apparently it had been going on ages but no one had more than gossip until one day, the girl accidentaly moved some of their special emails into a public email folder where everyone could see it (it was supposed to be for selling items).

Anyway, you can imagine just how fast that email spread!

Funniest thing ever :D

Ive nothing against office romances, several friends of ours have ended up getting married because if them and me and the g/f have worked together several times. I think its a bit different though when there is an affair going on!
I have nothing against sex in the workplace.

I am self employed so is the other half and we have a purpose built office at home ;) :D

No boring days here
PsiFox said:
I have nothing against sex in the workplace.
I am self employed...
I agree with this:)
I'm self employed & work on my own, if I fancy a bit now & then that's up to me. Only problem is hiding my work flings from the Misses.
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