Scenario 5: Laptops as Qualified Desktops
An Enterprise Agreement customer has 20 portable desktops (e.g., laptop computers) that already have Microsoft Office licensed and installed on them.
Under an Enterprise Agreement all devices should be counted as qualified desktops and separately licensed for Enterprise products (e.g. Office), including those 20 portable devices. The users of these 20 portable desktops occasionally connect to a server running Windows Server Remote Desktop Services to access Microsoft Office remotely while they are using a dial-up or broadband connection. As long the 20 portable desktops are licensed for the same edition, language, and version of Microsoft Office being remotely accessed, that use is covered under the licenses assigned to those 20 portable desktops. For both the licensed desktop and the separately licensed portable desktop, Microsoft Office may be used locally or accessed remotely using Remote Desktop Services or similar functionality.