Official: Ark 2: Survival Evolved.....again?

24 Jul 2003
South East Coast

Right so I bought Ark on Early Access release day back in 2015 I think it was. Over the years (but not the last couple) i've put more hours into it than I have any other game since my early 20's (I am so old).

But recently saw that this had been announced. I don't care much for the trailer as having Vin Diesel doesn't really add any confidence to the actual development team who have serious feature creep issues which is basically what stopped me playing Ark 1, Dumb AI, absolute grind on any PvP servers that aren't strictly admined, serious engine issues (pop in which renders the INSIDE of bases before the outside) etc etc etc

Apparently Ark 2 is still using Unreal Engine but speculation it will use UE5 so I don't know what improvements aside from the obvious graphical improvements will bring. Hoping legacy bugs have been removed especially regarding the pop-in. They are also again, apparently, focusing on Dino AI so I am interested in seeing what they do as AI frequently gets left behind in modern games. Overall I think Ark 1 had some fantastic ideas and all the content added over the years has made it a decent time sink but the engine bugs and lack of addressing basic issues has prevented it from being something I want to go back to. Also, who doesn't want to tame/ride/fight with dinosaurs?!

For all ex and potential Ark players, what would you like to see? I don't have too much faith in the dev's as there other game Atlas which is basically Ark reskinned is still in a bad state but if they could pull it off what do you want?


Much improved Dino AI.
Overall more refined experience, no shoddy building mechanics, things disappearing under the map. Just less buggy overall.
Some way to experience PvP without having to play 24/7 and the possibility of at least staying alive/competitive/be a threat when solo or in a small 2-4 player team. Maybe a full PvP map with safe zones?
Some balance to the dino's, most land dino's are useless once you have flyiers.

These are just a few things but am sure there are loads more if I started playing it again.

Anyone else?
I enjoyed the original game and then they started adding all the dlc and extras and lost interest. Think the last time I played it was when the desert map came out and it was always hot everywhere. Probably won’t touch Ark 2 as I’m pretty burnt out on these types of games now.
They need to fix the timed out/ overflow buffer BS first when trying to join a friend on a none dedicated server spending 30+ mins trying to even get into the game isn't fun :/
i got into ark when it was given away on epic, then ended up buying it on steam for the mod support and sunk a good few hours into it :D

the thing they would need to add for me is some kind of campaign to work through
because its fun for a while building/taming/hunting etc but the only goal seems to be defeating the bosses and then moving onto the next map and doing it all over again
i was never really interested in the multiplayer either
I've been playing it since .....*checks steam*.... June 2017 (edit: just realised I think it was much before that and that was the date II next played it after they added achievements!) and played almost 1k hours, very much enjoyed it but stopped playing as much the last year or so.

I'd really like it if they did more with the behavioral AI of the dino's rather than them just sort of wandering around aimlessly (predators attacking everything excepted).
In terms of balance, just a nerf on how much weight fliers can carry would keep the others more relevant.

Another thing I think the game lacked (and all the players on my server agreed so we ended up spawning some stuff in) was scalability on the weapons, as they were only really useful against players and not dinos.
What I think would have worked well would be to allow the crafting speed stat to increase the quality of crafted items too, so if you poured enough points in to that you could craft legendary or ascended (with perhaps additional rare materials required) items.

I also really enjoyed some of the larger scope mods, such as anunaki genesis, which had elemental variants of most species i.e. speed/torpor/damage/armour.
Some mods were pretty much necessary, such as the stack size multipliers and no-clip building supplies.
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