**Official Dfi UT nf4 Sli-DR EXPERT Thread **

25 Sep 2005
** Official Dfi UT nf4 Sli-DR EXPERT Thread **

i think we should have a nice new thread that will have all the info expert users need, like the original sli-dr thread had in.

only post about expert boards in here please.

dfi expert drivers: http://www.dfi.com.tw/Support/Downl...D=3872&CATEGORY_TYPE=LP&STATUS_FLAG=A&SITE=UK
dfi expert bios (06/04 is latest): http://www.dfi.com.tw/Support/Downl...TYPE=LP&INDEX_TYPE=null&STATUS_FLAG=A&SITE=UK
dfi beta expert drivers (none available yet): http://www.dfi.com.tw/Support/Download/driver_download_us.jsp?PRODUCT_ID=3872&STATUS_FLAG=B&SITE=UK
dfi beta expert bios (none available at the moment): http://www.dfi.com.tw/Support/Download/bios_download_us.jsp?PRODUCT_ID=3872&STATUS_FLAG=B&SITE=UK
newer sata/floppy f6 boot disk: here you go: http://www.dfi.com.tw/Upload/Driver/NF4%20RAID%20F6.ZIP
dfi unofficial forums: http://www.dfi-street.com

anandtech review: http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=2620

ok guys, i received my expert board this morning, the drivers on the cd are out of date, i advise you to get latest ones from web, the ones on cd are:

nforce 6.66 chipset drivers (latest is 6.86) - http://download.nvidia.com/Windows/nForce/standalone/6.70/nForce4_amd_6.70_winxp2k_english.exe
realtek ac97 (spdif) 3.73 (latest is 3.93) - http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/dlac97-2.aspx?lineid=5&famid=12&series=8&Software=True
nvidia forceware 78.01 x86 + x64 (latest is 91.47) - http://download.nvidia.com/Windows/81.98/81.98_forceware_winxp2k_english_whql.exe
ati 5.8 x86 + x64 (latest 6.2) .net framework 1.1 is also in the directory as ati drivers require this.
direct x 9.0c
usb driver
silicon image sata (all types)
silicon image raid 5 (all types)
marvell lan
win 98 hotfix (assume you need this to be able to use the mobo on a win98 machine)

the floppy disk has the nvraid drivers on and silicon image.

this is the dfi nf4 ut sli-dr expert btw, comes with cables, pci express bridge, rounded cables, sata cables, sata power cables adapters, everything bar the 5 1/4" tray that goes in the drive bay that came in the dfi nf4 sli-dr. the box is really small btw, they squeezed everything in really neatly. box is very posh too.

everyone flash to latest 06/04 OFFICIAL final bios, use winflash and flash from windows as floppy disks corrupt easily and can kill your motherboard, heres the changelog:

1.Enhance Memory Support.
2.Support AMD Athlon 64 FX60 CPUs.
3.Add over clocks step by step.

things to remember when setting up your new system:

* connect the 4pin or 8 pin cable from your psu to the board,
* connect a fdd power cable to the board,
* connect a pci-e power cable to your graphics card
* check that cmos jumper is in correct position, some people got their boards with it in the wrong position
* yellow slots (1+3) for BH5 ram
* orange slots (2+4) for TCCD ram
* you need the external karajan audio module plugged into the board to get sound for both the nvidia karajan (6 jacks) AND realtek ac97 alc 850 spdif in/out
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i had to get mine from somewhere else unfortunately as there was no news here.

right, i have SUCCESS with this board.

i ran 2*512mb ddr 400 dual channel sticks of OCZ Dual Platinum EL 2-3-2-5 (2 years old, not the OCZ VX ram), i put them in channels 1 and 3 as said in the manual, but i got 3 lights, which mean it detected cpu, but didnt get to detecting ram. i then tried 1 stick in channel 1, no luck, then tried channels 3,2,4 with still no luck. i then reset cmos and put 1 stick back in channel 1 and success, it booted into windows nicely.

so i believe if you ram dosent work in channels 1 and 3 (for 2 sticks of ddr 400 in dual channel which most people have) then reset cmos straight away and then try it.

the fan also seems to be a lot quieter, before it used to rev up when you restarted the computer with the sli-dr (non-expert)

i tried both sticks in channels 1 and 3 just after i flashed the bios with the beta 25/11/05 on dfi's site and dual channel works, im not sure if you needed to updated to the beta bios or not, i did, hopefully someone else can try it without flashing to the beta bios. Winflash stalled at 40% ish updating the bios by the way, the rest of the screen went white, i thought the comp had crashed during flash, but about 15 secs later everything went back to normal and it said bios was successfully updated.

the 25/11 beta bios adds better ram compatibility and supports the amd Athlon FX60 cpu:), not that i can afford one though :(

off to do a nice clean format and installation of windows.

good luck with your expert's people!
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Keep us posted on this might get one if its any good. Also what are the temps like PWMIC and chipset?? The graphic card does not pass over the chipset fan now...does it??
chipset temp is 35-36, cpu is 24C @ stock (3000+). the card does pass over the fan, but slightly less, but now there is a big gap between my xp-90 heatsink and graphics card, last time there was hardly any gap at all and they would warm each other up.

just done a nice clean format and install of xp pro sp2, installed all the latest drivers and all working nicely. no problems as of yet :)

will overclock it tommorrow, off to sleep, its 3am, formatting, installing windows, programs and setting all the settings takes a while. now its ready:).

firefox 1.5 final is out now by the way people, go download it NOW!
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Hi I have one of my case fans connected to the CPU header on the mobo and because i'm phase change it won't come on as the cpu is -24 deg in bios is there anyway to disable this ? i have looked in the bios but am not used to DFi bios any help will be apreciated
there are only a few people who have them in the u.k at the moment, europe have had them for a few weeks, many of those people use dfi-street.com forums, you will have better luck posting there or if you wait here for about 1-2 weeks then some people here might be able to help you out. good luck mate.
I don't believe this. I currently have a DFI SLI-D and now have an ASUS A8N Premium sat at home ready to go in so I can fit my nv78 blocks.... and now Danger Den put this board on the supported motherboard list... If only I had waited a week! AAAARGH!
I must admit i'm impressed with this mobo still running at stock atm start to crank it up tomorrow :)
yeah me too, only had that 1 prob with the ram, think resetting cmos fixed it.

gunna overclock my amd64 3000+ (1.8) to about 3400+ (2.1) and ram from 200 to 230 2-3-2-5.

im gunna get a opteron 146 when they are back in stock and overclock that from 2.0 to about 2.5/6. will sell my sli-dr and amd64 on auction site in about a week to help with costs and sell my 3000+ when i get an opteron, prob mid-jan as they are out of stock everywhere.
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overclocking went well, running at the speeds in the above reply, gunna wait until i get an opteron 146 till i seriously overclock it.

make sure you all upgrade to 25/11 beta bios, it adds memory support and adds support for athalon fx60. im gunna stick with this beta bios until the a new official bios is out as everything is really stable, no bsod's or anything, make sure everyone uses the 6.70 nforce drivers and not the 6.66 and everything should be hunky dory.
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Bit of a prob....Winflash wont run under XP64 and don't have a floppy, not sure how to flash with cd iso image and where is 6.70 drivers i can only find 6.69 i'm running @ 300/11 with 1.65v core, prime stable going to see if i can get more out of this 57 later :D
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i just updated the first post with links to latest drivers and links, make sure you dont install the old drivers that come with it on the cd.

good luck with your installs people.
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