** Official OcUK Power Consumption Thread **



8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Following the very successful launch of the Energenie range at OcUK, we thought it would be a great idea to gauge how much power certain setups use.

OcUK sells a very accurate power meter that shows the consumption from the wall.

Energenie Power Meter @ £9.80 inc VAT


The Energy Saving Power Meter will measure the energy use (and calculate costs) of running household appliances. This helps you lower your power bill and reduce carbon emissions.

Ideal for keeping an eye on your system power consuption.

Only £12.99 inc VAT.


If you already have a power meter, then post away!

To enter your results, please use this template.
System Specification:
CPU: Name & Clockspeed
GPU: QTYx, Name, Corespeed
System Spec: Memory, Motherboard, Storage, Cooling Solution
Power Supply: Brand/Model/Wattage 

Power Consumption:
Standby: 000w
Desktop Idle: 000w
Prime95 Blend: 000w
Prime95 Blend + Furmark: 000w

this should hopefully gather a lot of information on cow certain configurations use power.

here is an example from me to start with using the OcUK Ultima XXX System

System Specification:
CPU: Intel i7 990X & 4.2GHz
GPU: 2x, Nvidia GTX 590, 607Mhz
System Spec: Dominator GT 2000MHz, Gigabyte OC, RevoDrive + WD Black, Custom Water
Power Supply: OCZ ZX 1250w

Power Consumption:
Standby: 2w
Desktop Idle: 276w
Prime95 Blend: 346w
Prime95 Blend + Furmark: 860w
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