Official Sword Coast Legends Thread

24 May 2009
North East
Following on from original thread;

New top down RPG based on and endorsed by Wizards of the Coast the D&D owners.

Some info on the game as it looks pretty good so far;

Release date 29th of this month!

Some images;



Really looking forward to it myself, anyone picking it up?
My only concern is normally before a release there are a load of reviews bigging it up. The silence is making me worry there may be an NDA to stop bad reviews getting out before people buy.

I'm a negative sod though :p
Haven't tried it tbh. I'm not one of those people that enjoys pausing the game every few seconds to micro manage my party (yes, I did not enjoy DAO for that reason, so sue me), so I don't think it would be for me. Playing with a team, however, was fun. I went with a cleric which found me serving the role of both tank and healer oddly enough, while Neil and Ice went with wizard and ranger respectively to deal out the damage. The ranger/rogue seems fairly integral as we would have missed a lot of loot and stepped on a lot more traps without it. At low levels you don't have a huge number of abilities to choose from so you use what you have, but I can see that changing as you fill up all 20 quickslots and the gameplay becomes more technical. The large dungeon crawls are very large, so don't worry about it being over too quickly. Just make sure the host sets the rewards before you start, unlike Ice who had us battle our way through precariously clinging to life only to come out with a bit of gold and some weapon drops!

Sounds good.

I'll give you a shout when I get it for some games!
The games obviously got something going for it when you look at all the prizes it has won but I do get the feeling (no factual basis for this) that's it's rushed and unsure what it wants to be. Does it want to be a BG game and a true d&d experience or is it a trashy dungeon crawler (which may stil be a good game) trading off the d&d name.

Hopefully the former get a sad feeling it's looking like the latter, May stil be a good game but wouldn't be what i was looking for when I seen this.

On the plus side at least there is a new BG coming out :D
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