** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

12 Nov 2002
In my own little world
As hard as it may be to believe, Blizzard is really making a Pandaren-based expansion to World of Warcraft. Rumors have been floating around for quite some time, but now it's official. Dubbed the Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's fourth expansion promises to bring many new changes to the game.

more here inc vids

I really thought Cata was going to be the last. I stopped playing last year before it was released.

wow this threads now the ** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread** :D

I was expecting it was already posted somewhere, despite not being able to find it.

Looks like my thread is still doing ok, shame I cancelled my subsciption 2 weeks ago. My pre-order from OcUK turned up on Tuesday, will probably give it a go in a few months.

To Return Or Not To Return thats is the question???

My copy of MoP is still sealed since launch day, I keep twiddling my thumbs trying to decide whether i'll kick my self for not playing. After a year what's it like, are the numbers still dropping ?

Well the numbers are still falling but depends what you want out of MOP. i have leveled 3 lvl 90's but i did PVE...got bord quit for a while and now doing pvp and loving it. they are doing sumit with the relems so be intersting how tht works and see if it helps.

Who pvp as a warrior and do u like the changes coming into the new patch....wud my bro be good for a 2v2 setup....ret pally lol

My timing is always bad, when I start again it's always a few months before the next expansion so I play for a bit and everything dies off and it's hard to get into any of the RAIDS

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