Offroad challenge

23 Nov 2002
Surely you know of the KTM, a very good manufacturer of, among other bikes, a pretty damn good range of dirtbikes. Find and open place, with a ramp, and soon you will catching air with the bike...which is something that you expect to see since the bike is light and powerfull. Here's what one of their dirtbikes look like, while "flying".

This, the t80u,

is a Russian tank, with 1500bhp, it packs a lot of power, but it has to as it weights around 50tons. So what could these two have in common? Well, imagine a rider speeding his KTM onto a ramp and jumping off, pretty cool eh? What if you replace the KTM with the tank?

Oh yes. :cool:

Edit: The quality sucks bigtime, but you can clearly see the action :p

Also, if you can't dl from rapidshare, go to at the bottom there's a link to the download.
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I didn't find a desent pic of a Duke catching air so I just googled for ktm and posted the first jump I found :p

Yeah, but at the end of the day a tank isn't very technical to drive, it has two sticks, push them both forward it goes forwards, so no need for a driver(servo's), still cool.

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