Offspring - 'Splinter' opinions?

2 Jun 2004
Truley aweful album in my opinion, they released a few albums which were really good, then this latest effort of theirs (albeit now several years old) is really like it's not the same guys, shocking effort.

Anyone feel otherwise? I'd like to know, cheers
Don't have the album, but have heard their single and it just sounds so similar to previous offerings. They seem to have run out of ideas!
I gave it about two and a half listens and thought it was awful. I normally give albums more of chance, but I haven't with this one...
If they took the 4 decent songs off of this and the 5 or 6 good songs from Conspiracy of One, they'd have a good album!
Not heard it yet, only actually recently (few months ago) got well into Offspring and bought a few of their albums. Shame this one is pants from the ratings above :(
flibby said:
Not heard it yet, only actually recently (few months ago) got well into Offspring and bought a few of their albums. Shame this one is pants from the ratings above :(
You can have mine if you really want to listen to it. Use it as an ashtray, coaster or bird scarer for your garden if you don't like it.
i'm gonna be different and say i like it :)

I first listened to offspring when i was 8, my older brother bought smash as it came out and i freakin loved it, was so good! still is an awesome album that i listen to quite a lot.
but i still like their new stuff, its different and not as raw but meh.
they have done the "green day thing" and completely sold out and now play for the money :p and play what the record company tells them.

take greenday, i like Kerplunk but cant stand the new stuff because its just all pop music.
Ignition is their best album- the only one I still listen to.
Ixnay was a shift in sound but still good.
After that they didn't shift just rang the cloth dry.
I saw them on their Americana tour though and they were brilliant.
Smash is one of my all time favourite albums, remember buying it on a field trip to Germany when I was in the 1st year of high school and having it on a constant loop.

It's a serious piece of work, and just highlights how much of a shame it is that a once great band now suck the fat one (I like to call it Red Hot Chili Peppers syndrome...)
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