I made these last night, for my first attempt they're actually pretty much spot on
The only slight negative is that I had to use parsnip instead of swede because in the two supermarkets I went to over here they didn't have any crimping could be better too but that's just cosmetic. I'll have to speak to my Czech friends to find out where I could get swede over here, I know the name of them in Czech but just finding them is tricky, I'd have thought they'd be easy to find as root veggies are pretty much a staple here.
The only slight negative is that I had to use parsnip instead of swede because in the two supermarkets I went to over here they didn't have any crimping could be better too but that's just cosmetic. I'll have to speak to my Czech friends to find out where I could get swede over here, I know the name of them in Czech but just finding them is tricky, I'd have thought they'd be easy to find as root veggies are pretty much a staple here.