Oh bugger, think I'm losing it completely, check this

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
They had a queue at Goodwood to view this car in some prefab showroom and one of the staff asked me if i'd like to see the new fantastic wonderful BMW thing. I said "I thought it was the queue for Specsavers" and walked off. Horrid looking thing.

I don't really see a market for this. 4 seater estate with a hatch style tailgate to make it look sporty and therefore reduce practicality. Who is it really aimed at? 4 execs who fancy a day at the beach after a shareholders meeting? Or is it for 2 execs to lug around their mistresses and bomdage aparatus? Would prefer a 5 touring tbh.
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I like it. If I had a sporty little number for the weekends then I'd have one. If it had to be a compromise between fun and practicality in a single car I'd get the standard 5 series Touring.
It's no uglier than all the other cars in its class. People buy them because they're "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME" and that does exactly that.
It's no uglier than all the other cars in its class. People buy them because they're "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME" and that does exactly that.

But they fail to appreciate that people add " WHAT A TOOL " on the end of their thought! :D:D
It's like a 1 series made out with its sister and the result was a chubby 1 series which thinks it's a 5 series :O
You are losing it completely. Go see a shrink, stat. BMW and Audi seem to be competing for the "how fugly can we make these things before the fools stop buying them" prize at the moment.....
Definitely agree.

It does look a bit like the X6, which I didn't like originally but it has grown on me.

BMWs have a habit of this. All of the bangle creations now actually look quite good, and even things like the Z3 which I absolutely detested looks quite attractive to me! What's going on :S
By all accounts, it's a very very good car and the interior is incredibly nice. Once again though, where this fits in within the relevant automotive markets is beyond me, but, BMW say, they have done their research and this is the car consumers want to see.

I'll reserve judgement.
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