Oh come all thee that are faithful!

11 Jun 2005
OK please help, i have an Adaptec 39320 scsi card just pulled ah 19160 and i cant get it to boot, i can copy my OS across but when it wants to finish the install it just boots back into the cdrom. I have checked termination and i think it is correct according to my drive manual, which incidently are seagate 15.3k and i havent raided these yet as i am just trying the simple way first! Has anyone got a simaliar setup? can anyone please help?
well i got it sussed

This will be the first time i have started a thread and finnished it! I like talking to myself! Anyway was mainboard issues so we know for again, the os wanted to boot to pesky sata even tho i had specificaly asked it to got to the scsi card! Anyway thanks for your help!
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