Oh dear, 'Instrument' Relationship Troubles

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Hello all. Yes I know I have stooped making one of these threads but I think its time I get something off my chest. I'm having serious relationship problems with my guitar.

It all started off so well. We used to spend every spare minute we had in each others arms. At University people said we were a perfect match and I couldn't of been happier. It was all good until the holidays showed up.

I couldn't wait, all this free time. The perfect opportunity to become one with a plank of wood and some strings. But, somehow it all went wrong. As I worked and enjoyed spending time with new friends, I didn't seem as interested in my guitar anymore. It would lie their on my bed seductively, waiting for me to arrive home sp we could then have the time of our lives. But instead I would sit down and watch TV. Or surf the internet. Or socialise. My guitar was certaintly noticing something was up.

The time we did spend together was unsatisfying. The less effort I put into our relationship, the sourer it became. I began to struggle playing things I considered 'my standard', and became uninspired by listening or playing to any other music. It all began to fall apart. I made a thread recently about trying to learn a song thinking it might help spice things up in the bedroom, but despite andelusions advice, I couldn't perform and we were both left very frustrated.

To summerise: I have lost my passion to play the guitar :eek:

Now I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose what I have and had because it was so special, yet it seems destined that everything gained will be wasted.

Is this normal? Will things pick up again? Help me members of OCUK music! :(
Shoseki said:
Perhaps your guitar was your way of relaxing, but without something to relax *from*, you have lost your appetite
Hmm, there may be some truth in this. Good shout.

leftfieldtild said:
All relationships have ups and down dude, but you have to put effort in to make it work - sounds like it was all going well and could again - introduce her to your new friends in all her musical glory the more they see and hear of her the better your relationship will become for all
Yeah, I guess I just have to keep putting effort in, but some times.... I can't be arsed :o And yeah, maybe its the lack of 'musical glory' you get in your bedroom that is dampening things :p
andelusion said:
Bah, the alternate picking was too hard my my mortalness, string noise anyone? :p Couldn't do it clean at all... so I'm right this very instance converting it all into a two hand tap on the D string with a sneaky slide in there.... I'm so naughty. Or is that lazy? ;)

Does anyone else experience such problems as my story of heartbreak? *sniff*
SidewinderINC said:
maybe you just dont satisfy her anymore, in which case i'd be glad to lend my abilities to please her ;)
Hey, it isn't that bad between us quite yet, cheeky!
i do believe it will definately be a case of start swinging, you need to take her out to meet other swingers and maybe if you all start playing together things will start to get better for the relationship?
I believe you have the right idea. Unfortuantly theres not really anyone around to swing with... but maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. I think at uni there should be plenty opportunities to meet more ladi... err, musicians. Well, I hope so. Also I'm supposed to be teaching someone to play, that will proberly help get my arse in gear!
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