oh dear - major **** up on the night before issue

22 Jun 2005
Well, here I am, the night before my assignment is meant to be handed in has passed,
I underestimated the amount of time it would take me to complete the assignment and now its due in in 2 hours and I have only done half of it.

Gonna have to pull a sickie today methinks :(

I have certainly learned my lesson.
I normally do that. I managed to get motivated a bit more for this one though. Its due wednesday, and I started it Friday, so im 85% done now.

Sucks leaving it till the last minute! Get some work done! Oh yeah and dont sign back on here till its done!
This all sounds strangly familiar, I always rtry to finnish my assignment a week early now, and then I spend the following week polishing it to perfection, I didnt do this last year and got 39% for my business module (Fail), this year I scored 76% (First) - bargain.
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