oh god!

Sorry guys, I didn't mean to use this as an excuse to get some more posts, I was just a bit shocked by how many replies and threads pile up in such a short space of time.

Won't happen again :)

Ok I appreciate how this second reply isn't helping my point xD

But my phone double posted...
Of course you will if you keep posting useless threads like this :rolleyes:


Only useless thread I have :l

Can somebody please tell me how to close it? (If I can)

*edit* I know you guys are having a conversation about post count now, but I'm just wary of being lumbered with loads of negative ratings and reports :S
if you can maintain this effort for 5 years without dons removing posts for spammage, or a banning, post back here to claim your special prize :)

Well I stopped spamming after the first day (which was unintentional anyway). Still here, 1370 of the posts are constructive :p

I was looking through my old threads to figure out when I built my PC.
Saw that post telling me to post back in 5 years if i'm not banned. Thought I may as well reply a year later and say that I don't post things that would get me banned anymore. :p
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