Oh look, it's this thread again (~£1000 build, few questions)

26 Jun 2015
Hi guys, been lurking here for what seems like forever, and it's finally time to buy my first desktop (I've had a laptop which has been brilliant for 3 years, but the motherboard needs reballing and the specs are starting to fall behind).

I've got the following wishes:
*I don't have much interest in AAA titles with monstrous graphical requirements - the most advanced thing I play in that respect is probably DayZ. I also play FIFA, Hearthstone, and tend to emulate PS2 titles if any of that makes a difference. My gaming habits have been dictated by my rigs thus far
*I want to be able to twitch stream whilst playing with good FPS
*I want to be able to edit together music videos - nothing massively intensive, but I don't want it to grind to a halt processing a 4-minute video
*I already have a monitor so that isn't a factor, but some tidy speakers would be great for when I'm making music, and maybe the equipment required to twitch stream (I want to show off some FIFA skills!)

I have a "budget" of around £1000, although it's not going to break my heart to go a bit higher as I'm doing the finance thing (hopefully!).

As far as PC specs go, I've been looking at i5/7, GTX 970 VS AMD R390, 8GB ram, 250gb SSD & 1TB HDD. Sorry if that's vague, and I'm fully open to suggestions as I know from lurking countless threads that you guys normally have the best build ideas. I can also yank the 600gb HDD out of my laptop and plug that in for extra storage, so perhaps the 1TB HDD won't be necessary...


1. Has anyone bought a PC on finance and paid in full before the 6/12 months - were there any complications? Or is it as simple as calling the finance company and making ad-hoc payments?

2. Also is there a cart option where I can buy the separate components, and have OC UK assemble, Overclock and test them, and if so, how much does it cost? I've only looked at pre-built systems so far.

Sorry if I could have made this simpler... Currently on a night shift with a half-friend brain!

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PS DAYZ WILL RUN WELL ON NOTHING! Ive pitted £+4500 systems at that and got 15 fps in towns still. It's a terribly optimized mess! So don't expect any MAJOR fps gains there.

HA! True... True. :( I just enjoy playing it so much, it'd be good to have a better experience. To be fair right now I'm running it on a dual-core i5 with a 635m gpu... On a laptop that has major overheating issues.

Thank you very much for the reply. Say I went ahead and bought those, my housemate COULD help me put it together... But would OC do it for me, for a fee? I'm not bad with computers, I've just never built one, so I've got that fear of screwing up or that the components won't be compatible or something.
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