Oh no! Condensation after being outside!

5 Apr 2008
Hey guys... just left my camera outside for a couple of hours and when i borught it back in I noticed quite a lot of condesnsation on the lens... I wiped it off... but all pictures still seem very fuzzy! Would that be condensation on the mirror or more likely on the inside of the lens? What is the best thing to do?

Is this a damaged DSLR now?
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1.Do NOT remove the lens until the whole camera is dry. You do NOT want any drops of water entering the area where the cameras mirror and shutter reside.

2.Before you come into a warm environment with a cold camera either put it in an air tight plastic bag, or just keep it in its camera bag without taking it out for a few hours in order to let it gradually warm up to room temperature.

3. silica gel (those white packets you find in electronics boxes that says "Do not Eat") will suck up moisture.

Ok well I did actually take the lens off for a couple of seconds, didnt notice any drops go in.... but hopefully that will be ok :eek: ... im a noob
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