Oil coming from exhaust question...

31 Dec 2003
Stoke on Trent
Hi all,

I wondered if anyone knew what could make oil come out of an exhaust when it’s revved please? I am looking at a car tonight and I’ve seen oil come out of an exhaust on the same car before, which I avoided because I was told it might be a serious problem with an engine which could cost £900+ to fix.

Just wondered if anyone had any ideas on what the oil coming out of the exhaust might mean please? The car is a Nissan Micra by the way.

Many thanks.
MuvverRussia said:
probably water coming out of the exhaust. Oil usually shows up as blue smoke (bad news).

cheers lads, thing is though I do think it's oil, as although its not a blue plume when you rev, I've held a white tissue at the end of the exhaust and oil comes from the exhaust making the tissue black, whereas on my car (same model, approx year of Micra) there is no mess at all coming from the exhaust.
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