ok guys do i do this or not

19 Oct 2002
i have a asus a7n8x dlx motherboard with 2 sticks of samsung original 512mb pc3200 ram = 1gig total, in slot 1 and slot 3 to give me dual channel, do i add 1 stick of crucial 512mb pc3200 ram in slot 2 to give me total 1.5gig ? will i notice the difference or is it even worth adding extra 512mb, also will it still run in dual channel if i use all slots im sure i read some where that useing all 3 slots does give dual channel still, also is there any tests i can run to check the difference's if replys say yes add 3rd stick. thx
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i have 3 sticks of 512mb ram in my nf7-s system and it does make a difference to its performance but thats because it was used to run games like battlefield 2.

just depends on what you do with your machine really.
thx for reply, and yes i struggle with battlefield 2 with just 1 gig, will it matter that the extra stick of ram is crucial and not samsung ?
Running different brands wont make any difference except it will all run at the speed of your slowest stick, whether thats the samsung or crucial.
thx for reply, i did read this on another thread below, if im adding just 512mb the other bank will have 1gig and that dont add up does it ? mind you by adding the extra 512mb can only be better surely, wonder what tests i can do.

"the mainboard has 2 banks, with 3 slots.

slots 1 and 2 are bank 1 and slot 3 is bank 2.

the only qualm here is that.

slot 1 and 2 have to add up to the memory in slot 3."
my nf7-s board is running these 3 sticks of ram at 2-2-2-11 with no problems at 372mhz.

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