ok guys i'm back with the same mobo problem :(

4 Aug 2005
Hi guys, u may or may not remember a few weeks ago i reported that my mobo decided to suddenly not boot at all and then started running in single channel memory only? ok i just received my new gfx card uninstalled the old drivers inserted the new card and it's back, i get nothing when i press the power button, same thing happens when i put the old card back in!

I know it's my mobo and i have a ultra - D on the way my only question is will i need to reformatt my mobo straight off once i receive the new mobo or can i boot up without reformatting? i only ask as i want to back up all my vital stuff then i will probably reformatt after this?

thanks in advance guys!
Ok hold the phone guys, just had my dinner now come back upstairs tried powering the comp with no gfx card and it boots so now i'm back on the comp with new card installed so it's all good, can't wait to receive my new board tho!
think i shall be backing my things up very quickly lol :D
my only question is will i need to reformatt my mobo
do you mean reformat your hdd?

Always reformat the hdd if you are adding a new mobo.....

As far as your tempermental problem have you tried a) clearing cmos and b) flashing the bios?

If no try doing that and then reformat your hdd and do a fresh install of XP....

Although you are getting a new mobo which is a DFI Lanparty if you sort this new mobo out you can keep it for a rainy day or sell in "mm".......

BTW when you get the DFI Lan Party clear the cmos first :)

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