OK Headphones time.

11 Jan 2005
After my OLD sony's died, i got a new set... They sucked. Cant be arsed to get a replacement as the quality is dire.

So, after 2 months without music, a sony vaio just sat there... I NEED MUSIC. k.

Spec me some, inner ear, canal headphones. Good bass, I mean, GOOD bass.

About 20quid?

What were those sennheiser ones? Or those JVC ones? I'm a bit lost :)

Cheers :)
Snap. I'm interested in this too.

Currently using some £5 sony's but they have zero bass and the upper end is too tinny, plus they're open earphones so I need to turn it up really loud when walking through the city.
Whats the going rate for them actually? Seen a black pair for 53 quid... ?

Worth going on thebay for them to save like 10quid?(always seemed iffy buying from there to me)
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the shure's are very good but might not be your sound. The sony ex71's are from what ive read bassier and easier to listen to (i can vouch that yes they are pretty bass heavy and easy to listen to, but they lack decent mid range and the bass just isnt controlled), but the shure's are a lot more accurate and "tighter".

The ex71's are about 20 quid from the bay. Obviously the better option is to save for shures, but not everyone will appreciate them :)

I refuse to get sonys again. Well only if it was a pair from about a year ago when the quality was good. :)

Reading up on the shures they said stay clear if your listening to bass music, as they not too good? :/ Thats...all I really listen to. lol.
(Portable Headphones) Sennheiser PX100 £24.99




(Portable Headphones) Koss Porta Pro's (WOW) £27.99

OMG, I,ve been useing these headphones now for over ten years and for the money nothing has came close, If your a fan of bass then theses are the babies to get, also great response, 15-25,000Hz.



(Full Size Headphones) sennheiser HD 201 £17.99



They all look ok..but "QUOTE" Spec me some, inner ear, canal headphones. ...

Erm, my ear canals aint that big D:
Ooo, initially review I found looks very promising. Had any experience with them Phnom?

Also is the place a nono linky?

Email if you could avacardo at gmail . com
Yeh, they're good, they're better than the Sony Ex71s and the JVC Fx 55s in the same price range, and some people put them above the E2Cs (Which are overbassed). I had them for about nine months, and they were excellent, although their only problem is that they got tangled pretty easily (Some people said that they were underbassed, but I think it really was dependant on having a good seal).

Google tbh (although email me if you can't find it).
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what is the build quality like mate? Heared the cable is solid and parts of them are aluminium/metal? They sound very tempting *googles for place* :)
Never had any trouble with build, I only stopped using them because I lost all the ear pieces and haven't ordered some more yet :o (+ it was an excuse to order some Er-6i's ;)).
actually, my mate saw this thread, decided to order two pairs (1for me one for him) from emailed website, haha :D

Hope I like them :D
I can highly recommend the Sennheiser EH250's (35-40 quid) - they're designed with DJ's in mind, so the bass is very meaty. In fact I run mine with the bass settings on my X-Fi card at 12% and I find that just about right! On the downside, they're close-backed, which is great for getting rid of the ambient noise, but it does mean they don't sound quite as "natural" as open-backed designs.


Also, remember that any new set of headphones usually sound poor when you first try them. It's a combination of not sounding like what you're used to and the fact that they take some time to break in. Sennheisers in particular seem to take ages to loosen up. I've been using my EH250's for over a month now (every day) and they're finally sounding sweet.
Psypher5 said:
They all look ok..but "QUOTE" Spec me some, inner ear, canal headphones. ...

Erm, my ear canals aint that big D:

I'm aware your after canal head phones, but (yes I am trying to force my opinion on you :p ), you did say "Good bass, I mean, GOOD bass", and with canel headphones your just not going to get that, if you just try giving something like the Koss Porta pro's a chance, listening to your fav dance track when wearing them its like being in a night club , it all depends on how serious you take your music b-cos a good set of portable/full size headphones will wipe the floor with any canal headphones, end of they day it's down to personal preference but I reserve the right to try and convince you to try something different :).
The Porta Pros have absolutely superb bass, it's really quite an eye-opening experience listening to some $50 portable headphones and getting such a good, low response. I also believe that Koss 'phones have lifetime warranties! :eek: The Porta Pros also fold away nicely too btw.

If you're dead-set on in-ear 'phones though, those Sony ones that go right inside the ear seem to be your best bet to be honest. :/
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