This is a more thought out The GOP are starting to look Communist So I found this it says in it one thing you need is he completion of a "propaganda free" training course through the Oklahoma State Department of Education & knowing a Republican passed the bill you think they care about the Truth? They spread Covid lies, they watch Fox for news, prob. much more I haven't thought of. The idiots don't do a thing about making guns harder to get after so many mass shootings & you know there is more to come. They think books like My two dadies harms kids so they ban them. Republicabs want to control. Like what Trump did in Jan. 2020, the courts decide hey lets go after him know, they sure are dragging their feet with the trail. It sounds to me like they should have him & we have nothing to worry about. Realistically Trump gets away with ****. So I am worried his *** will win, there are more than enough idiots here to vote him in.