Ok so I want a Mac desktop

22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
I've had my MBP now for around a year and love it so much so I only ever use my Windows rig (which I spent well over 1k assembling) if there's stuff I want to download or to play the odd game

I've wanted a iMac for a while now as I just love the look of them but am obviously tempted by the Mac Pro due to the spec so considering what I use my main Windows rig for....

A- Can a Mac Pro be used for a gaming rig if I ran a virtualised Windows setup? And can things like the graphics card be upgraded from the standard ATI cards provided to one of Nvidia's cards?

B- If it's a no to above should I just spend my money on the less expensive iMac to fill my Mac desktop needs?
Although what do you want an iMac for, that your MBPro doesn't / can't do.

The situation I'm in that is I'm wanting to replace my current gaming rig certainly by the end of the year and have been wanted to get either a iMac and or Mac Pro for a while. Obviously though I would only get either if it could function the same as my current gaming rig albeit with it booting into Windows either via VMWare or by Bootcamp

There's certainly no argument to be had for me having a Mac desktop as well as a Windows based desktop machine so if it really isn't advisable to use a Mac Pro as a gaming rig to be honest I'd probably just get a new MBP when Snow Leopard is released and just build a new gaming rig

Just have to wait till I move out and have more than one room before I can justify getting an iMac or Mac Pro then :p
Sounds like a good idea to consolidate and get the benefits of both - you will have more advantages on the Mac side of things and as long as you accept the drawbacks of the the Apple hardware lock in and Bootcamp then you're set.

Am I though as from what has been said previously it doesn't sound like it's a good idea :confused:
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