OK, so there's going to be a water shortage and a drought this summer. The solution.

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
It's all over the press at the moment that there's likely to be a drought and a big water shortage this summer, in fact the local BBC wireless station were talking about it for the whole of the breakfast show.

I have the solution. It's a simple one.

Take two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen.


Result: Water.

There we go, sorted. No more issues, why has nobody else thought of this?

I take it you mean drought Mr. Feek :D

[edit] I see I was correct. You've obviously got draught bitter on the brain :p [/edit]
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I suppose I may as well be the one to point out the flaw in this otherwise faultless plan.

Where would the hydrogen and oxygen come from?
Borris said:
I suppose I may as well be the one to point out the flaw in this otherwise faultless plan.

Where would the hydrogen and oxygen come from?

Hydrogen is everywhere chap, lots of Oxygen around too.

Cars produce about 1 gallon of water for every gallon of fuel used...use cars more I say :D
Feek said:
It's all over the press at the moment that there's likely to be a drought and a big water shortage this summer, in fact the local BBC wireless station were talking about it for the whole of the breakfast show.

I have the solution. It's a simple one.

Take two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen.


Result: Water.

There we go, sorted. No more issues, why has nobody else thought of this?


been watching brainiac?
We have never had a drought up here, we seem to be living off kielder resivoir tho, which suits me fine :D

Iraklis F.C. said:
it amazes me that a country receiving a lot of rain on average than the rest of the europe faces a drought.
Not to mention we are a bloomin Island! You never hear of Dubai having as many problems with water as we do!
Feek said:
It's all over the press at the moment that there's likely to be a drought and a big water shortage this summer


There's going to be a bit of a shortage in the south east/london area therefore the media will treat it as some sort of national disaster on a scale never seen before.
FincH said:
Hydrogen is everywhere chap, lots of Oxygen around too.

The hydrogen we use for fuel cells etc is released by the process of electrolysis of water.

It's easier just to use a desalinization plant on sea water and pump it to where it's needed than to seperate hydrogen from whatever it may be attached to and re-attach it to oxygen.
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kaiowas said:

There's going to be a bit of a shortage in the south east/london area therefore the media will treat it as some sort of national disaster on a scale never seen before.

If it stops them bleating about a global warming apocalypse, then great.
Or just pump water from "up North" wher it does nawt but rain on t'garden and give it t'soft 'un down 'tsouth.

Or build salt-water convertors...after all it doesn't rain much in Lanzarote does it? They seem to do OK.
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