okay just completed fear

15 Jun 2006
and can I say what the...

these guys are obviously a fan of doom and the ring

heh it even had the bit where the little girl follows the guy goes up to the camera then cuts it out...thought that was classic
Long time since I played it but your character was one of the clones created to control the clone soldiers just like the bad guy in the game so you and him are effectively brothers. The little girl also had something to do with controlling the clones I think too
Ace of Spades said:
The little girl at the end on the helicopter.......... :eek:

hehehehehe yes games/films where the badguys dont die scare me, their still out there!! :eek:


u and the guy are brothers in command of the clones, the girl is the spirit of your dead mother also a complete nutjob with psyco powers
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