Old Bike Helmet

31 Jan 2009
Hey i was wondering if anyone could help me i found a old bike helmet and thought it was to cool to see it in a skip

it a silver everoak racemaster b.s 1869

does anyone know much about these helmets ??:)
Some folk like them for the asthetics of having them sat in a old classic sports car or sat on their cafe racer at bike shows. Depending on the lid style to what era machine.

Some can fetch good money.. Worth your time reseaching the model/age and perhaps restoring to a degree. A fair number of buyers of classic gear like some age showing to give the item character.
Do you mean you found it in a skip. Or you found it and you think that's where it belongs.
Either way if you don't know the history, I would never use or sell it.
My helmet saved my life so I can personally vouch for how important they are.
I believe there are places you can have helmets X-ray inspected but you have to question if it's worth going down this route.
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